Maria Kneusel, DNP, MSHCE, MSN Ed, RN-BC

This month we are honoring Maria Kneusel, who was elected by the National Association of Hispanic Nurses as “Hispanic Nurse of the Year”. Maria is one of the most selfless and hardest working nurses I have ever had the honor of working with. Maria was born in Puerto Rico and came to the mainland when she was 16 years old. She got her nursing degree in 1988 and her DNP at Duquesne University. When Covid vaccines became available Maria stepped up to the plate and has volunteered over 300 hours of her time to ensure that her community is protected. Maria has organized and ensured that over 4000 community members are fully vaccinated and over 9000 have received at least one dose of the Covid vaccine. She has helped organize vaccination events in parking lots, churches, and community centers. Anywhere that would be accessible to our in-need communities.

Maria is the Diversity and Inclusion Specialist at Centura Health. Her goal is to help diversify the workforce, and address health disparities affecting minorities. She ensures that nurses receive adequate training to address equal treatment to patients and reviews and provides recommendations regarding clinical policies to make sure they are inclusive and bias free.

Maria has not stopped in her work to protect at-risk populations and is currently starting new vaccination events working alongside Vuela for Health, with vaccines being donated by the State of Colorado.

When I asked her what drives her to do so much, she responded “I have a love for the community, I feel that it is what I need to do. If there is a need I can fill, I need to do it”. I think her response says it all. Congratulations Maria for your very deserved award. We are so honored to have you as one of our members!



30th Annual Denver Nightingale Luminary Awards Banquet, 2022


Rosario Medina, FNP