Saint Anthony Health Foundation and NAHN Denver-"2020 Flu Clinics” were a success!

During the months of October, and November 2020, NAHN Denver partnered with St Anthony Health Foundation and was able to administer 1,100 doses of Flu vaccines to at-risk populations. With the amazing support of Vuela For Health as the organizer, NAHN was able to deliver the flu shots throughout the Denver metro and the Colorado Springs areas in several churches as well as the Mexican consulate.

Thank you to our NAHN members for volunteering their time and knowledge and serving our communities. We particularly want to thank the Saint Anthony Health Foundation, our past president, Maria Kneusel, and Maria Pineda of Vuela for Health for organizing this event.


Colorado Nurses Association Self-Care video for nurses


Ruby Martinez, PhD, RN Legacy Award NAHN 2020